Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dugaan Ramadhan


Mlm ni dh msuk fasa 10 ramadhan terakhir.alhamdulillah mlm ni free,blh nk update blog skejap.
disebabkan smlm sy accident, sy nk tls psl tu cute car kne langgar mse btl2 nk smpai rumah.alhamdulillah sy tak cedera,cme keta sy kemek dua pintu belah maklumlah keta pn buatan malaysia yg trcinta,klu langgar basikal pn,confirm keta sy kemek jgk.but we need to support our nation brand rite? 1 Malaysia!!!! (konon2 lah kan..dlm hati Tuhan je tau........)

Now we'll see condition my car ni..tetibe sedih plak rse ble nk upload pic keta ni.sedih bkn sbb keta sedih tkut tak smpat nk blk raya.apekk! tlong repair cpt skit ye!

and this is the car that cium my car.mse dia drive dia pndang tmpat lain,even sy dh hon pn dia tak prasan.nasib...

ape pun bnda dh jd.hrp2 org yg langgar keta sy ni tak lari dr byr kos repair tu nti.amiiiinnn...klu tak mne nk cekau duit nk blk beraya ni..

*rse sebak je ble tls psl topic lah..

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